Traveling As a New Mother

Becoming a mother is just as exciting as becoming a world traveler! They’re both full-time jobs that require quite a balancing act. You may think that it’s impossible to travel with a new baby in tow. While it takes a little more preparation than traveling solo or with older children, it’s definitely doable and can also be quite rewarding! And, you’ll be planting that seed early that exploring the world and experiencing many different cultures is vital to our growth as human beings and feeling a global connection to humankind. 

Pack Smart 

While we’re all about packing lightly and living as minimally as possible, there are things you have to be sure to pack to keep yourself and your baby as comfortable as possible. This goes beyond baby wipes and breastfeeding protein powder. You’ll want to determine the best type of carrier for you; most likely, it would be a babywearing wrap. Not only do these keep the baby extra close to you, but they also fold very nicely and are simple to pack, taking up minimal space.

There’s a reason most cultures worldwide utilize them! You don’t even need to buy one. Look on sites like YouTube for tutorials on how to turn a scarf into one. Depending on the nature of your travel, you’ll either need a baby sleep nest, or you’ll need to read up on how to co-sleep safely. And don’t forget to pack your camera to capture all of these magical moments together!

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Fed Is Best 

It doesn’t matter how you decide to feed your baby – whether you’re going to breastfeed or bottle formula feed, make sure you’ve got everything you need to be able to accomplish this while traveling. If your child is old enough to eat solid foods, things get a little bit easier, but it’s still a good idea to fill up on something they enjoy at each destination, so you’ll never be without healthy options. It’s almost as if all children are born picky eaters. Traveling and exploring takes a lot of energy, so ensuring everyone is fed and healthy is critical. 

More travel inspiration:

Soothing Apps 

Almost all of us always have our smartphones with us. And, many of us have even downloaded apps that help us calm down and unwind at the end of the day, either through meditation, storytelling, or relaxing music. The same things will soothe your baby. Preemptively download some apps that play white noise or shushing sounds for your baby to fall asleep to.

World traveling can be an enjoyable experience with very young children, and you’d be amazed how well they not only tolerate but enjoy the constant change of scenery. However, the routine of having the same comforts to fall asleep to each night makes things much easier for everyone traveling. You gain the added hours of quiet relaxation for yourself as well if your child is falling asleep quickly and easily each night.

Laundry Essentials 

Something as simple as some wire and several clothespins can be a lifesaver when traveling with children. The aim is to pack light. However, children tend to get their clothes dirty a lot quicker than their adult counterparts. For this reason, it’s a great idea to pack a makeshift laundry system you can quickly set up in the bathroom or room where you’re staying. That way, soiled clothing can quickly be tidied in a sink, hung to dry, and ready for the next day.

Don’t think you need to pack an entire dresser full of clothes just because you’re traveling with a young child, and it simply isn’t true.  Sure, it may take you a few minutes to wash their clothes each night, but you’re saving a lot of money by not having to spend on new clothes as often. 

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

First Aid Kit

It may seem like it goes without saying, but we all should be traveling with a first aid kit. Sometimes, these handy kits get thrown by the wayside when traveling just as an adult because we know if something were indeed wrong, we’d likely be near help. You can’t skip this step when traveling with a very young child. So, make sure you purchase the most stocked first aid kit that will fit easily in your backpack. They even make kits geared specifically around baby or toddler needs, so do a quick internet search and choose one that fits your family best. 

Bon Voyage and Happy (safe) Trails!

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