Day 5 Travel Blogging Course: How to grow your social media followers

Welcome to Day 5 of ‘How to start a travel blog and make money’ FREE email course!

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Linkedin, YouTube, FlipBoard, Tumblr, the list is endless. If you work online, you must have a social media marketing strategy.

Social media networks are important for growing an audience, but not all of them are equally good for your blog. That said, focusing on all of them can be time consuming and expensive.

It is important to know that it can be also quite difficult to get traffic from some of them.


It’s hard for example to get likes and engagement on Facebook if you don’t invest money. But at the same time, Facebook has probably the best tools to for creating adverts and targeting your audience.


It’s difficult to grow Instagram followers, and it brings almost zero traffic to your blog, but having an engaged account with thousands of followers can bring potential businesses that want to work with you and pay you for posting photos with their products.


Twitter can create traffic and companies still look for influencers with thousands of followers, but it’s a platform that is becoming less and less important, and the company itself is struggling to be innovative.


Pinterest is one of the best social media networks to bring traffic to your blog. Tons of traffic. With a good strategy Pinterest can become your second most important source of traffic after organic traffic from Google. This is also our case.

Pinning and re-pinning can be time-consuming, so the best way to use this social network is with a smart scheduling website. The one we use and suggest is Tailwind.


Snapchat is the new kid on the block, it’s the app of the millennials, and it’s an important social network. The problem with Snapchat is that it’s hard to use for blog promotion. It’s not marketing friendly.

There is no way you can check your statistics, referrals to your blog or your number of followers. The only thing you can check is the number of views of your snaps, which is not much. Maybe in the future things will change, but at this moment we suggest concentrating your efforts in other networks.


If you are into videos and you want to create a vlog, then YouTube is your best choice. If you want to grow and monetize your blog, you’ll need to create videos consistently which can take almost all of your time.

Editing and producing good quality video demands some skills and time. You’ll need a lot of equipment and a lot of practice. But if you are willing to commit, having a popular YouTube channel can be very rewarding.


To grow your social media audience, you must choose those that are most important for you. Focus on them and create quality content, post regularly, engage with your audience all the time. You can also outsource some of the work to virtual assistants. There are many people out there that can help you to grow your social media channels, but you need to invest some money on it.

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