Become a Digital Nomad in Denver

If you’re a free-spirited soul easily bored by predictable routines and conservative corporate values, you might fall madly in love with the notion of becoming a digital nomad. This lifestyle choice could be a perfect fit for you if you have acquired specialized digital skills at your regular job, like looking after the marketing for an Implants company or growing the social media channels of various hotel businesses.

If you’re ready to quit the stress of conforming to the traditional rules of a workplace and ready to escape the confines of a cubicle job, it may be time to say goodbye to the corporate route to success. As a digital nomad, you’ll get to do things your way, set your own working hours, and skip the angst of daily commutes. And as a digital nomad, you won’t have to spend the best hours of your day working a 9-to-5 schedule. 

A good place to start is Denver because you’ll find plenty of clients who need digital work done. Many high-tech organizations and businesses are located there, particularly in the Denver Technological Center, or DTC, a business district in the southeastern part of the Denver Metropolitan Area, inside the city of Denver and Greenwood Village. 

Before becoming a globe-trotting, digital nomad living in exotic locations like Thailand, the Land of Smiles, it’s best to break into the nomadic lifestyle by living in a flourishing American city like Denver, Colorado.  

Settling Down in Denver

digital nomad in Denver
Image by David Mark from Pixabay 

After you’ve settled into your new apartment, familiarize yourself with the popular coffee shops in the downtown district. Also, familiarize yourself with some of the best coworking spaces in the city.  

One aspect of Colorado that may intrigue you is that healthy living is a big part of the culture. 

If refining your own healthy habits appeals to you, explore the city’s health stores, restaurants, and gyms. Locate the best places to buy organic foods and some of the best gyms. The simplest way is to type in keyword phrases in an online search engine like “best natural health stores in Denver, Co,” and “gym near me.”

It’s not a coincidence that many Coloradoans love healthy eating and working out. The state is legendary for its flourishing fitness-oriented culture. It may have something to do with the state’s abundance of natural beauty encouraging people to enjoy the great outdoors. 

Besides working out at a gym and dining at healthy restaurants, learn to cook your own healthy meals at home.

Eating healthier will make a huge difference to your emotional and physical well-being. In fact, you might attract attention when you go back to your home state at how much healthier you look. Family and friends may even accuse you of glowing with health and vitality. 

Eating healthy meals — compared to eating foods loaded with too much salt, sugar, and saturated fats — confers a staggering number of health benefits. A healthy diet helps you to manage your weight, control your blood sugar, reduce your blood pressure, and improve your cholesterol levels. A healthy diet will lower your risk of serious illnesses like stroke and heart attack.

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Strategy 2: Learn How to Market Your Services 

digital nomad in Denver
Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay

You might want to leave Denver one day, so you must make sure you have the skills necessary to work anywhere. You certainly have some impressive digital skills, such as knowing how to code or how to use words with flair, skills that will qualify you for jobs like building apps or content writing. But one thing that may be holding you back is finding clients eager to hire you for your skill sets. 

So, besides learning how to adapt to different cities in the United States as you acclimatize yourself to the nomadic lifestyle, also fine-tune your digital marketing skills. Take an honest inventory of your current skills and then decide what skill you still need to improve to make it easier to quickly find work anywhere in the United States. For instance, you may need to take an online course to learn how to write more persuasive cold email copy. 

Make Denver Your First Stop

When you move to a new city like Denver, the first thing you usually want to know is what it’s really like. You want the good, the bad, and the ugly. From a business perspective, you want to know whether or not the customer base will buy from you. As a digital nomad, it’s essential to first learn how to quickly adapt to an unfamiliar environment and adopt some useful values of the culture you’re in. Denver is a good place to move to learn how to become a savvy digital nomad.

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