3 Travel Tips as a Digital Nomad Smoker

With the rise of remote work, it’s unsurprising that more people are jumping on the bandwagon and embracing digital nomadism. In the US alone, Forbes’ statistical report notes that there were as many as 15.5 million digital nomads in 2021. This increase in digital nomads only continues to grow with the support of businesses and countries. Countries like Brazil and Indonesia have offered extended stays through special visas and are investing in more temporary housing and coworking spaces to cater to these rising interests.

For people looking to hop on this trend, it’s critical to first do ample research on your desired location before staying long-term. This is especially important for remote workers who smoke, as countries have different rules and regulations around tobacco use. To avoid hitches while engaging in a digital nomad lifestyle, smokers should stay on top of rules and regulations while balancing work and play. To help you out, here are some travel tips for digital nomads who smoke.

Stay in smoking friendly countries

Source: Unsplash.com

To keep your stay as smooth as possible, consider living in countries with a strong smoking culture. A Guardian report on smokers worldwide found that as much as two-thirds of the world’s smoking population comes from just ten countries: China, India, Indonesia, the US, Russia, Bangladesh, Japan, Turkey, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Given the prevalence of smokers in these countries, digital nomads may find it easier to get tobacco products, find dedicated smoking areas, and even make friends, especially if they are social smokers.

On the other hand, it’s also important to consider local legislation around smoking. Countries like Hungary and Greece have beautiful islands as well as strong smoking cultures that make for attractive locations for digital nomad smokers. However, these places also have comprehensive smoke-free regulations, including a complete ban on smoking in enclosed public places, workplaces, and public transport, with only limited exceptions allowed.

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Prepare smokeless alternatives

digital nomads who smoke
Source: Unsplash.com

As mentioned, even countries with high smoking rates can have strict tobacco laws. These regulations may also apply to vapor-producing devices like e-cigarettes and vapes, making it challenging to deal with withdrawal symptoms. For example, in Singapore vaping is illegal. To help you ease any cravings or adverse reactions, invest in more discreet options that you can use flexibly.

For a product mirroring the feel and taste of cigarettes, America’s best chewing tobacco is a reliable choice. However, it’s important to still check with local laws whether smoking laws also apply to smokeless tobacco. Some areas, like universities and workplaces, may still prohibit tobacco use altogether, making it essential to choose a nicotine alternative that doesn’t have tobacco. 

Prilla features the widely popular VELO nicotine pouches that are not only 100% tobacco-free but are also simple to use and don’t stain your teeth. Furthermore, these pouches come in fresh flavors like citrus and mint, leaving you with fresh breath for hours. By preparing smokeless nicotine products, you can still enjoy your kick without major sacrifices.

Manage your budget wisely

As a digital nomad, most of your income will come from remote work. Balancing your living and travel expenses while sustaining a habit such as smoking can get costly over time. This lifestyle can take a surprising amount of effort, so it’s essential that you manage your budget wisely, lest you cut your stay short. Aside from preparing enough savings before engaging in this lifestyle, here are three additional tips on how smokers can stretch their budget while traveling:

Stay at cheaper destinations

digital nomads who smoke
Source: Unsplash.com

While being a digital nomad means you’re location-independent, it’s still important to consider the cost of living, Wi-Fi accessibility, and crime rates, to name a few factors. City centers tend to be more expensive than other outskirt towns, but you should also take into account the amenities you want in a long-term stay. Being able to stay in a cheaper destination can give you more leeway for other expenses, including smoking.

Buy tobacco products in cheaper places

Countries with prominent smoking cultures tend to have cheaper cigarettes. If you’re traveling to another country where cigarettes are expensive, consider buying bulk from your place of origin. Be mindful of the tobacco allowance of your intended destination to avoid paying excess taxes and duties. For example, if you’re entering the EU from a non-EU country, you have a high limit of 200 cigarettes. On the other hand, when you’re coming from another EU country, you can carry a maximum of 800 cigarettes.

Quit smoking altogether

Even with the best budgeting, smoking still costs money over time, which is why the best economic decision you can make is to quit smoking. Being in a relatively new destination can be an excellent time to stop. You can replace cravings and temptation with healthier activities such as exploring the area, taking exercise classes, and meeting new friends.

Being a smoker and a digital nomad can be challenging, particularly with differing smoking laws. But by educating yourself on smoking-friendly countries, preparing smokeless alternatives, and managing your budget, you can sustain your lifestyle while enjoying the rush of smoking.

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